“I did it—I conquered my fear!”

That’s what I told myself after wrapping up my workshop at WosCon24. I’ve been to conferences before, but this one felt like a first in many ways. Why? Because I had to talk for a full hour in English, in front of an audience of international delegates! And you know how we’re usually more comfortable speaking to a Pinoy crowd, right? 🥳

But maybe I got through it because He ☝️ gave me the strength to not only teach but also (hopefully) inspire others. I was up there talking about SEO sprints, sharing the strategies we use at my agency, but also feeling a bit like a student myself—learning as I went along.

Here are some of my key takeaways from this incredible experience at WosCon24:

  1. Say Yes to Opportunities: If you ever get the chance to speak at a conference or workshop, even if the thought makes you nervous, just say yes! Who knows, maybe the next round of speakers will come from this very group.
  2. Be Yourself on Stage: Don’t stress about being perfect. Trust me, once you’re up there, just being yourself works wonders.
  3. Filter the Info Overload: Conferences give you tons of information, and it can be overwhelming. Stick to what sparks your interest, take notes, and test out the strategies that resonate with you.
  4. Appreciate the Event Organizers: Organizing an event of this scale is no small feat, so let’s take a moment to appreciate the folks who make it happen.
  5. Network, Network, Network: Don’t miss opportunities to connect with people. You might not see immediate results, but those connections can take you a long way in the future.

Let’s get into the good stuff: THE SEO Sprints (90 Days Method)..

What Exactly is an SEO Sprint?

  • An SEO sprint is a short-term, high-impact effort designed to improve search rankings quickly.

SEO & Workout Correlation:

  • It’s like a 90-day fitness challenge for your SEO—focus hard, prioritize the most impactful tasks, and see results faster than the typical long-term SEO approach.

Important points to note:

  • SEO sprints are all about focusing on what really works, without cutting corners, in a limited time frame

    The 90-day period works because:

    • It’s long enough to challenge an individual.
    • It’s short enough to keep you motivated and moving toward the finish line.
  • While SEO is usually a marathon, sprints allow you to get high-impact results quickly without feeling overwhelmed.

Breaking Down the SEO Sprint Process

The SEO Sprint Process

At the workshop, I broke down the SEO sprint process into several phases, each designed to keep you on track while focusing on the highest-value activities. Here’s a quick look at the key steps:

  1. Setting Clear Objectives It’s easy to say you want to rank #1 for all your keywords, but let’s be realistic. The first step in any SEO sprint is setting clear, measurable goals. Whether it’s boosting organic traffic by 20% or improving rankings for a handful of key pages, your objectives should be challenging but achievable within the sprint period.

  2. Planning and Research This is where the heavy lifting happens. You’ll need to dive into keyword research, perform a technical SEO audit, and even analyze what’s working for your competitors. It’s all about figuring out what opportunities are out there and mapping out a plan to seize them.

  3. Execution Once you’ve done your research, it’s time to put it into action. This phase covers everything from content creation to on-page optimization to link building. Remember, the goal is to focus on the most impactful strategies within your sprint window, so don’t spread yourself too thin by trying to tackle everything at once.

  4. Measurement and Iteration SEO isn’t a “set it and forget it” kind of thing. After implementing your strategies, use tools like Google Analytics and Search Console to track your progress. If something isn’t working as expected, adjust your plan. Sprints are about testing, measuring, and improving continuously.

Real-Life Examples: SEO Sprints in Action

During the workshop, I shared case studies where we used SEO sprints to help clients achieve amazing results in a short period. For example, one of our clients saw a 70% increase in organic traffic within just three months by focusing on a targeted set of keywords and optimizing their top-performing pages. It’s all about honing in on what will make the biggest difference, not trying to do everything at once.

Client with 70% increase in organic traffic after 4 months of SEO sprint

Tools and Tips for a Successful SEO Sprint

No sprint is complete without the right tools to guide you. Here are a few tools I recommend for each phase of the sprint:

  • Keyword Research: Tools like Ahrefs or SEMrush are great for finding high-impact keywords that will drive traffic.
  • Technical SEO Audits: Use Screaming Frog or Sitebulb to identify technical issues that could be holding back your rankings. If you want to master these tools and more, check out my Technical SEO course for Filipinos, where I guide you through in-depth optimization strategies.
  • On-Page Optimization: Yoast and RankMath are fantastic for fine-tuning your content for search engines.
  • Tracking and Measurement: Google Analytics and Search Console are essential for tracking your success and adjusting your strategy.

Wrapping it Up: My Final Thoughts on WosCon24 and SEO Sprints

If there’s one thing I learned from speaking at WosCon24, it’s that sharing knowledge with others is one of the most fulfilling parts of this industry.

The SEO sprints method is something I truly believe in, and it’s not just theory, I practice what I preach. It doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner or a seasoned freelancer, this approach helps you take control of your SEO, achieve quick wins, and keep the momentum going. I’m using this exact method in the SEO agency I’m building right now, and it’s making all the difference!

I hope these insights and takeaways from the workshop will help you in your own SEO journey. Remember, just like in a fitness challenge, consistency and focus are key. And hey, if you ever feel stuck, don’t hesitate to reach out to the SEO Workout community in Facebook—we’re here to help you sprint your way to success!